
10 Girls • 9 Boys
15/100 points

Hey there! Welcome back. Last chapter was busy! A set of twins were born, a ton of aging up and Paulina completed the Serial romantic aspiration. They finally left the house (together) and Paulina ruins it and goes into labor. She secured another pregnancy with Brent Hecking after a late night birth. Only 9 days left until adulthood.

After a busy last chapter, let’s see if this will be the same.

Well then.

Zola (baby 19) tried to give Geneva (baby 18) a hug but it went sour. Never seen that happen before.

Never seen this lady before but she’s in the house just chilling.

The twins reached level 3 in all skills, so it’s time to blow out their candles. Geneva (baby 18) went first.

Followed closely by Zola (baby 19).

Geneva (baby 18) hanging out in an unfurnished room with Avalon (17). Geneva received the Slob and Social butterfly aspiration.

Zola (baby 19) received the Bookworm and Social butterfly aspiration.

Then a few hours later Aldon (baby 16) came home with an A! Added candles to the twins cake and then it was his time to age up.

He has the Glutton, Happy toddler, Good and Quick learner traits, and the Spellcraft & Sorcery aspiration.

You can tell his father is Gunther Munch. Aldon (baby 16) favours Gunthers genetics but that belly though. Now that resembles a very pregnant Paulina.

Aldon (baby 16) jumped on the treadmill in hopes of losing the weight he gained in cake from his childhood.

If only it were this simple.

Look who came to visit her mom! It’s Persia (baby 14).

We’ve turned baking a cake into a guessing game. Will the kids come home with an A? We sure hope so.

It’s still early in the day so it’s time to fix the dishwasher, sink and shower because it’s all broken.

Avalon (baby 17) came home with an A. She was the only one too, so she’s whirling into teenage hood.

She’s pretty. If only her eyebrows were lower because they are really high and no eyebrow selection can fix it.

Her traits are Adventurous, Happy toddler, Foodie and Home turf, and her her aspiration is Stangerville Mystery.

Enjoying some quality family time while ALL, yes I said all, kids are doing their homework’s at the same time.

But Paulina had to go and ruin the moment by going into labor.

Paulina welcomed twins again. Welcome Lara (baby 20) and Messina (baby 21).

Some mother and son bonding on the treadmill. Got to stay in shape or as they call in nowadays “quarantine glow up”. I think I don’t actually know because I’m old. Kind of.

Paulina makes working in the garden look like a walk in the park. If I had a contraption like this I might actually do outside chores.

Who am I kidding, that’s my husband’s job.

It was time to secure another pregnancy and Paulina knew just who to call. Duane Talla would join the ranks of Burger baby daddies.

Finally someone is making use of the sauna.

Aldon (baby 16) has joined the ranks of the select few to make their own birthday cake. Again it was because Paulina was occupied.

Paulina was still missing so they went on without her.

Aldon (baby 16) received the Geek and Responsible traits before moving to Windenburg to be closer to his father.

Avalon (baby 17) was next.

She received the Art lover and Responsible trait too. Instead of moving closer to her dad or staying close to Paulina, Avalon (baby 17) moved to Stangerville to help uncover the mysterious things going on there.

The twins ALSO came home with As! Lots of aging up going on today apparently.

Geneva (baby 18) has the Slob, Happy toddler, Loves outdoors and Alluring traits, and her aspiration is Soulmate.

She was the opposite of what her mother is doing.

Lastly was Zola (baby 19).

She has the Bookworm, Happy toddler, Snob and Domestic traits, and her aspiration is Super parent.

She truly looks like a Pancake and I love the mix of genetics.

Geneva (baby 18) is grieving after receiving news that her father passed away in the night.

Lara (baby 20) aged up with the Independent trait. She is also sad because their father, Brent Hecking, also passed away.

Messina (baby 21) received the Inquisitive trait.

It’s just a grieving fest going on in the Burger house. Yay. Not.


8 Girls • 9 Boys
14/100 points

I see you’re back for more! Last chapter the twins aged into young adults and moved out (can be found on the gallery and in the Children tab), Paulina welcome Avalon (baby 17) and is super close to completing the Serial romantic aspiration. I feel like I said that last chapter but she’s even closer now!

Okay let’s see what crazy stuff the Burgers are doing.

Paulina harvested the Dragonfruit plant and planted 3 more because they bring in a lot of money during the fall.

We’re money hungry okay.

She also only needs one more boyfriend and Makoa is the lucky man.

This is Paulinas life when she goes out in public since becoming the highest rank of celebrity. People throw confetti at her.

I’m also not sure what Makoa is doing but he changed into this costume for their date. Interesting.

Their date was a success. Paulina earned her third goal date and completed the Serial romantic aspiration.

No clue what I’m switching it to yet.

She also received a start and went placed it. People flocked to her and threw more confetti at her and met a few men before we got the notification that someone came home with an A.

That someone was Shiloh (baby 15) and he got a cool zombie cake for his age up day.

He has the Creative, Happy toddler, Gloomy and Quick learner traits, and rolled the Nerd brain aspiration.

Then it was homework time. Maybe Aldon would be the next to come home with an A.

Aldon (baby 16) is the second child to have the Glutton trait but all he does is eat. So Paulina cooked a ton of food and is now working on the Baking skill to help fill the fridge.

Avalon (baby 17) just needs to reach level 3 in the Thinking skill and then she’s ready to blow out her candles.

It was her turn to blow out the candles on her pretty pink cake.

She received the Adventurous trait and Whiz kid aspiration.

Paulina still working on her baking. What she didn’t tell the kids is the full egg, egg shell included, landed in the wet ingredients.

Despite the mess the bread turned out really well.

Shiloh (baby 15) came home with an A and it was time to twirl right out of the house!

He received the Materialistic and Responsible trait before moving out.

I also remembered to flag the twins and him before they moved out so we keep the grandchildren to a minimum.

Despite Shiloh (baby 15) moving out , his dad Ian Somerhalder stopped by unannounced, and let himself in.

I get your famous and good looking but your job here is done buddy. Move along.

It was the Festival of Lights and I finally let the entire family get away for the night to attend.

Paulina made a wish and ate some local cuisine.

Avalon (baby 16) attempted to purchase something but the vending machine ate her money. Rude because it was $50.

Then of course Paulina had to go and ruin it. She went into labor and the entire family packed up and headed back to their house in Newcrest.

Once home Paulina welcomed baby Geneva (baby 18) and her twin sister Zola (baby 19).

It was 12:03AM and no one is awake. So Paulina decided to work on her girlish figure by lifting heavy weights as she waits to call on the next potential Burger baby daddy.

It’s a thunderstorm and you’re just chilling outside. No Aldon (baby 16), no no no!

With an empty womb and it finally being a reasonable hour, it was time to call on the next donor. Brent Hecking answered the call and raced over from Brindleton Bay.

And just like that the job is done.

The twins aged up. Geneva (baby 18) is in the red with black hair. I think this may be the first set of same sex twins with different hair colours.

Just don’t quote me on that.

Geneva (baby 18) has the Wild trait.

Her twin Zola (baby 19) has the Independent trait. You can also already tell she has her father’s chin.

Their dad is Bob Pancakes.

Paulina working up a sweat in the kitchen. Cooked a handful of dishes and baked some sweets to keep the fridge well stocked.

Aldon (baby 16) enjoying more cake.

Interesting fact is there are 4 different types of cake in the fridge all with pieces missing. The joys of trying to guess when a child will come home with an A. Either I’m right or wrong and it goes into the fridge.

Avalon (baby 17) playing outdoors.


7 Girls • 9 Boys
12/100 points

Hey there! Last chapter no one moved out. Can you believe that!? Usually someone is. In other news the Burgers settled into their new house, Paulina completed the third tier of her aspiration and is near completing it (6 more boyfriends and 3 gold dates remaining), the twins and Shiloh (baby 15) aged up, and Aldon (baby 16) was born. Paulina is also pregnant by the famous Don Lothario.

Let’s get to it shall we.

This pregnancy is a lot tougher then her previous ones.

Busy working on her charisma skill. Currently at level eight and so close to maxing it, which should help in the future. I think I don’t really know.

Shiloh (baby 15) playing pirate alone.

One bonus to multiples is they have someone to play with and talk too. Single births not so much unless a younger or older siblings is the same age, which usually doesn’t last long anyway.

Family meeting at the money trees apparently.

Aldon (baby 16) aged up. Looking chunky and handsome with the Inquisitive trait.

Knox Greenburg happened to walk by and Paulina was in need of another boyfriend. She used the “besties” romantic interaction and then it was smooth sailing from there.

Secured a kiss and then official boyfriend girlfriend status.

She asked him on a date. They got a quiet table in the corner of the restaurant. Hopefully the paparazzi wouldn’t bother them too much while they ate.

They finished off the date with gold status.

Aldon (baby 16) working hard on those skills.

Looked who stopped by. He’s eager to be a Burger baby daddy. Do you know who it is?

It’s Harry Styles.

It’s Monday and the kids all came home with projects to earn extra credit at school. Hopefully they all come home with As now.

Paulina went into labor while helping Aldon (baby 16).

Hello Avalon Burger (baby 17).

Bali (baby 1) came for a visit. To bad she didn’t bring Paulina’s grandson Estabon with her.

Aldon (baby 16) finally reached level 3 in all the toddler skills so it was time to blow out his candles.

He received the Glutton trait and Social butterfly aspiration.

The twins also came home with As so they were next to take a whirl. Phoenix (baby 13) went first.

He received the Noncommittal trait.

Followed closely by Persia (baby 14).

She received the Loves outdoors trait.

Then both made a quick exit and were added to the gallery. Also I can’t believe Paulina has had 17 children and 14 have already moved out. Wowza!

With the birth of Avalon (baby 17) it was time for Paulina to call on the next victim donor. Bob Pancakes gets to join the ranks of Burger baby daddies.

Oh la la

Baby eighteen was successfully conceived and Bob doesn’t seem bothered. He did his duty and happy to donate to the cause.

Shiloh (baby 15) finally has a playmate, Aldon (baby 16), and they are having a dance party in the swimming pool area.

Paulina is back on the treadmill.

Avalon (baby 17) aged up with the Angelic trait and she’s such a sweetie. I adore her.

Didn’t take long before I sent her to the playroom to work on reaching level 3 of the toddler skills. Time is a ticking girl, get to it.

I added the Seance table to the rec room in the basement because I wanted to check it out.

Paulina tried to commune with the dead but it didn’t do much besides tell her not to stay indoors and play video games all the time. Well then.

The boys came home with Bs again. I’m not impressed.

Then I realized that I don’t have any lot traits on their new house which could explain why it’s taking so long for the children to get an A in school. I’m debating randomizing house traits and switching it up every 10 kids to add some spice into the challenge. Thoughts?

Paulina really wanted to rake leaves and who was I to deprive her of that.

Paulina earned a second gold date with boyfriend #5 who just happens to be Zac Efron. What a lucky lady.


7 Girls • 8 Boys
12/100 points

Welcome back! I’ve been busy furnishing the interior of the new challenge house. I was hoping to get a house tour chapter out before continuing gameplay but that’s not happening, at least not yet.

Recap of the last chapter – Abilene (baby 11) and her twin Kelsey (baby 12) moved out, Paulina gave birth to Shiloh (baby 15) and is pregnant with baby 16. Paulina is also busy working on completing the Serial romantic aspiration which isn’t my favourite but we’re getting it done.

With all that out of the way let’s see how the Burgers are settling into their new house.

Paulina is helping Pheonix (baby 13) with his homework. His twin Persia (baby 14) is somewhere in the mega Burger mansion.

Also Shiloh (baby 15) aged up.

He’s the sweetest blue eyed boy ever. He received the Charmer trait.

Even pregnant, Paulina needs to keep in shape. That’s a lot of kids to keep up with and many more to come. She’s the first to use the home gym in the basement.

Phoenix (baby 13) and Persia (baby 14) debating which Paw Patrol pup is the best. Obviously it’s Marshall.

I’m not a huge fan of the playroom but it does the job. Though this wall is my favourite.

Paulina securing kiss 7/10 and also making sure she has a long list of victims donors to call on.

She sent Brent Hecking on his way and then turned around and called Mitchell Kalani.

Kiss number eight.

Phoenix (baby 13) and Persia (baby 14) came home with Bs again. Back to working on their homework and extra credit so they can do better tomorrow because then it’s the weekend.

Paulina helps Shiloh (baby 15) with his potty skill that he has yet to max. He’s currently maxed Movement and the Thinking skill.

After Cairo (baby 9) trying to swim during a thunderstorm I added an indoor swimming pool to avoid a potential death before reaching young adulthood.

To the right (windows with the black curtains) is the home gym. There’s also a sauna next to the home gym that can be entered from the swimming area.

The movie poster explains it all.

Paulina is in labor and we are ready to meet baby 16. Boy or girl? Any guesses?

It’s another boy! Welcome Aldon Burger to the family.

Paulina just got word that the twins finally came home with As. So it’s time to put her cooking skills to use.

She’s also maxed the cooking skill at some point. When her reign is complete I’ll break down her traits, maxed skills and completed aspirations.

Phoenix (baby 13) was the first to blow out his candles and age up. Which also happens to be the weekend yay.

Their father is Orange Bailey-Moon. Phoenix has the Green fiend, Happy toddler, Lazy and Domestic trait. His aspiration is Vampire family.

What is it with this family and vampires. I checked the family tree to see if Cairo (baby 9) had her baby and she did. She had a son named Jake Burger with Caleb Vatore. So now Paulina has one vampire daughter and two vampire grandchildren.

Next up was his twin Persia (baby 14).

She has the Geek, Happy toddler, Erratic and Business savvy traits, and her aspiration is Fabulously wealthy.

Shiloh has finally maxed the potty skill which ended up being the last skill needed to reach level 3. It took a long time for some reason.

Happy age up day Shiloh (baby 15).

He’s still a cutie with those big blue eyes. He received the Creative trait and Artistic prodigy aspiration.

Since it’s the weekend and the twins need to reach level 3 in one skill they are using the home gym to reach their goal before the weekend ends.

Surprise baby making shower time. Wonder who it could be? Because apparently I forgot to take a before photo *face palm*

It’s Don Lothario! He of course had to make another appearance but this time as a Burger baby daddy.

He’s not happy about it. It’ll be interesting to see what his family tree looks like.

Twins taking a break from working on their skills to socialize and gossip.

Shiloh (baby 15) playing alone since he’s the only child in the house.

Paolo Rocca became kiss 9/10 before Paulina made a quick exit.

Because Aldon (baby 16) needed her attention.

Daune Talla was the last kiss needed and also became Paulinas second boyfriend because she needs 8 boyfriends and 3 gold dates to complete the Serial romantic aspiration.

If you remember, Orlando Bloom is Paulinas first boyfriend.


7 Girls – 7 Boys
10/100 points

Hey there! Last chapter Paulina had a second set of twins, invited Ian Somerhandler over and he became the next baby daddy, the triplets aged up and moved out, and Abilene (baby 11) and Kelsey (baby 12) are close to an A.

I’m now at the part in the challenge that I’m getting easily confused with the children. So hopefully I can keep it together to tell them apart.

Paulina called over the next potential victim donor Gunther Munch. She was able to secure a kiss bringing her total to 3/10 before she was rudely interrupted.

Welcome baby Shiloh (baby 15)!

That morning when the twins went to school the toddler set of twins reached level 3 in all skills and were finally ready to age up.

Phoenix (baby 13) was first up.

Did you know in the 3 pregnancies that resulted in multiples that a girl was born first. It felt weird having a boy go first. They’ve always been last even when there was triplets.

Next up was Persia (baby 14).

Phoenix (baby 13) received the Green fiend and Happy toddler trait, and the Whiz kid aspiration.

His twin sister Persia (baby 14) received the Geek and Happy toddler trait, and the Rambunctious scamp aspiration.

It’ll be interesting to see the most rolled traits and aspirations once Paulina passes the torch to the next matriarch.

It was that time again for Paulina to get pregnant. She invited Gunther Munch over for some special time.

They got straight to work.

Successfully securing the sixteenth baby.

The oldest set of twins came home with As! Time for them to twirl into the next life stage. Abilene (baby 11) went first.

She kept the short hair and is really pretty! Their father is Orlando Bloom.

Abilene has the Evil, Happy toddler, Self assured and Dastardly trait. Her aspiration is Public enemy which is very fitting.

Lastly was her twin brother.

Kelsey (baby 12) is another good looking child. The twins are polar opposites which is interesting. He has the Neat, Happy toddler, Outgoing and Prepared voyager traits. His aspiration is Hope VS Order.

I can definitely see myself using some of the 100 baby children in future game sessions.

It was late when Don Lothario stopped by. Paulina was able to secure another kiss bringing her total to 4/10.

Plus I feel like he is a staple in every 100 baby challenge so obviously he’ll make an appearance and become a baby daddy.

He water collectors broke again.

Paulina visited Mt. Komabi to see her eldest daughter Bali Burger. Well it’s now Bali Weather as she married.

Paulinas main reason for travelling was to visit her grandson Esteban. He is not her husband Brandon Weathers son but the child of Pierce Delgato, so one would assume she had him before she got married.

Upon checking the family tree to which fathers had passed I noticed a couple grand babies had arrived. After I downloaded mccc I only flagged Holland (baby 7) and forgot about the rest AND THEN forgot the triplets. Oops.

Next was a quick trip to flag Cairo (baby 9) BUT she was already pregnant. Again oops. So I stopped flagging the kids with the mental reminder to flag all future children.

Last stop was to visit Dallas (baby 3) as she had a son named Darien Burger. His father is Taku Akiyama who has 4 other children with a total of 3 baby mamas.

Seems like Taku is almost as busy as Paulina.

Also if anyone knows how to turn off mc commander pregnancies for non married couples let me know please LOL

The kids are home from school! Abilene (baby 11) and Kelsey (baby 12) came home with As BUT Kelsey is enraged so I’ll wait for the mood to pass so he doesn’t die as soon as he ages up.

Yes that is a thing and sooooo annoying.

Abilene (baby 11) was the first child to make her own birthday cake. Paulina has made them all up to now.

That’s because Paulina is working on her aspiration and scoring kiss number five.

Followed by kiss number six with Chris Hemsworth.

In case you haven’t caught on I compiled a household of celebrity men for this challenge. There are 8 of them and you just met number three so there are still five more to make an appearance.

Now that Kelsey (baby 12) was no longer enraged it was time for the older twins to age up and move on to better things.

Abilene (baby 11) received the outgoing trait.

Kelsey (baby 12) was up next.

He received the Child of the islands trait.

Paulina decided they needed a change and a much larger house. So here you have it! The mega Burger mansion in all its glory.

It doesn’t look like much a night but sometime soon I’ll do a house tour chapter to show you the full interior. Which is something I have yet to do.


6 Girls • 6 Boys
7/100 points

Welcome back! I knew you couldn’t stay away. Me either honestly. To refresh your brain last chapter Paulina gave birth to twins, had woohoo with Orange Bailey-Moon and he joined the ranks of Burger baby daddies, and the triplets aged into teenagers! Paulina also met the handsome Ian Somerhandler and added him to her list of potential donors.

Let’s see what antics the Burger family is up to.

Paulina is very pregnant and painting. As I’ve said before they don’t need the money but she keeps interrupting the twins when they are so close to the reaching level 3 on their last skill.

So I banished her to do some painting. She ended up painting a couple masterpieces which was nice. We’ve also completed the Painter Extraordinaire aspiration already.

Abilene (baby 11) was the first to blow out her candles but she’s terrified.

Of what? Maybe becoming the next Matriarch? Nope way to early for that. So beats me.

Next up was her twin brother Kelsey (baby 12).

Abilene (baby 11) aged up with this hair and I thought it was cute. She received the Evil and Happy toddler trait, and the Social butterfly aspiration.

Kelsey (baby 12) is mad at Paulina for a sentiment I think. Maybe forcing him to potty train wasn’t such a good idea but suck it up boy.

He received the Neat and Happy toddler trait, and the Rambunctious scamp aspiration.

It’s now Friday and the twins won’t be attending school today. So we’re stuck with them for another 3 days.


It’s baby time!

TWINS AGAIN! Welcome Phoenix (baby 13) and Persia (baby 14).

I think this is the first time there has been a full house of 8 sims. After so many single births this is shocking. I had to double check to make sure I didn’t have the On ley Line trait (which I didn’t). That means the fertility trait is working wonders.

Apparently I missed it but Israel (baby 10) was hit by lightning. Now is not the time to die because the triplets came home with As!!

The fridge broke. Again.

Catalina (baby 8) was the first to spin into young adulthood.

Note the moody Cairo (baby 9) close by. She was close to being struck by lightning as well (her mood told me) BUT she keeps trying to go lounge in the pool in a thunderstorm. I eventually locked the doors so she couldn’t.

She received the creative trait.

Also I’m no longer playing with the character trait rule. I can’t keep up with it and no amount of trying to increase as a teen was working. Plus I tend to forget to look sometimes so I’m not 100% if all the previous kids have it. Oops.

Cairo (baby 9) finally got a turn to blow out her candles after much convincing.

She received the Foodie trait.

Last was the baby of the triplets Israel (baby 10).

He received the Hates children trait.

The triplets made a quick exit of the household and can be found on the gallery. I’ve uploaded them separately instead of as a threesome.

With her womb empty it was time to invite over a potential donor. Ian Somerhandler was her first pick and he eagerly accepted the opportunity to be a baby daddy.

The deed was done.

A successful woohoo.

It was the weekend so the house was somewhat quiet.

Family dinner time. Paulina made a nice dinner but I forgot it was spicy and the twins weren’t a fan of it. They blew fire a couple times.

Paulina attempted to right her wrongs *eye roll* but when I actually looked Kelsey (baby 12) was mad at Abilene (baby 11).

Paulina visited the Romance festival and left the kids at home. She was able to make lots of connections with possible donors.

Thorne was there and Paulina got a tad carried away with her flirting. Then I realized that she’s pregnant with his grand baby and it got weird.

Moving on…

Paulina set her eyes on Makoa instead. She’s working on the Serial romantic aspiration and needs to kiss 10 sims.

He was number 2.

Back at home Abilene (baby 11) is playing in mud. She’s evil and it shows in her relationship panel.

The twins aged up and got straight to work on their skills. Persia (baby 14) received the Charmer trait.

Paulina got to work on the Potty training skill with Phoenix (baby 13). He received the Angelic trait.

Because Paulina has nothing better to do she’s interrupting important homework time. Abilene (baby 11) and Kelsey (baby 12) are came home with a B and a project.

Hoping this will bring in that A but Abilene (baby 11) is teasing her brother. Again.


5 Girls – 5 Boys
6/100 points

Welcome back! Here’s your update on all things Burger. Last chapter Eden (baby 5) and Hudson (baby 6) aged into YA but Hudson stayed at home because Paulina had given birth to triplets, and then she spent Love day with Orlando Bloom trying for a baby behind the movie theater. Keeping it classy.

That about sums it up, so let’s continue! It’s been awhile since I played so I have to reacquaint myself the with Burgers again.

I received a notification that Holland (baby 7) was freezing to death. Thankfully the next day is summer because I’m not sure he’d make it to YA.

Can’t keep this boy out of the pool.

After taking the previous screenshot I realized that the water collectors were both broken. Paulina got straight to work fixing that.

Hudson (baby 6) and Paulina tag teamed potty training the triplets. That was a lot of work and I don’t want anymore triplets for a long time.

Hudson (baby 6) is the perfect big bro.

Paulina is busy writing another novel. It will be her last one because they have an overwhelming abundance of money and she has already completed the Best selling author aspiration.

It’s Sunday night and the triplets only need to reach level 3 of the Thinking skill before they can age up.

I was hoping it would be done before midnight so they could go to school but apparently Catalina (baby 8) was only at a level 2 in the Imagination skill.

Finally time for the triplets to age up! First up was Catalina (baby 8).

Cairo (baby 9) followed second.

Last of the triplets was Israel (baby 10). This time the entire household cheered him on.

Israel (baby 10) aged up with the Dog lover and Happy toddler trait. His aspiration is Artistic prodigy.

Catalina (baby 8) is on the right. She received the Goofball and Happy toddler trait, and her aspiration is Rambunctious scamp.

Cairo (baby 9) on the left received the Kleptomaniac and Happy toddler trait, and the Social butterfly aspiration.

Memphis (baby 2) stopped by again. He’s the only consistent child to visit unannounced regularly.

Apparently I missed Paulina going into labor. She had twins with Orlando Bloom. Welcome Abilene (baby 11) and her twin brother Kelsey (baby 12).

At least it’s not triplets.

It was time for another donor. She called on Orange Bailey-Moon as the next baby daddy.

Orange was easily persuaded and joined the ranks of Burger baby daddies. He should be proud to accomplish something his famous father never did.

Holland (baby 7) came home with an A.

Also around here (or maybe before) Hudson (baby 6) moved out since the triplets were no longer toddlers. That was torture.

Holland (baby 7) has the Hot headed, Happy toddler, Loves outdoors and High metabolism traits. He received the Body builder aspiration.

We ran out of leftovers in the fridge so Paulina got to work preparing multiple dishes for a quick easy meals.

The twins aged into toddlers. Abilene (baby 11) received the Silly trait and her brother Kelsey (baby 12) received the Inquisitive trait.

That afternoon the triplets ALL came home with As. I feel that it’s a miracle because one always tends to be behind the others.

Catalina (baby 8) was the oldest triplet and went first. I like to have them age up in their birth order.

She has the Goofball, Happy toddler, Hates children and Business savvy traits. Her aspiration is Mansion baron.

I like her genetics. I feel she favours her father, Travis Scott, more then her mother.

Cairo (baby 9) followed second.

Cairo (baby 9) and Catalina (baby 8) are almost identical. Same thing I said earlier goes for Cairo.

She has the Kleptomaniac, Happy toddler, Loner and Domestic traits. Her aspiration is Big happy family. If it wasn’t for being a loner she would be a perfect matriarch.

Last was the youngest triplet Israel (baby 10).

He received the Academic aspiration. His traits are Dog lover, Happy toddler, Dance machine and Quick learner. Israel (baby 10) seems to be the opposite of his sisters and looks more like Paulina.

Paulina was busy wooing the next potential donor outside. He was another celebrity swooning over Paulina.

It was Ian Somerhadler.

The triplets got straight to work on their homework. Even if it is 3AM.

Catalina (baby 8) just fixed it only to distroy it right after. Thanks a lot girl.

What are you doing outside?? She was supposed to be sleeping but I kept finding her here.

Paulina is making $22,000+ per money tree so we won’t have to worry about money for a long long time.

She’s now focusing on the Serial romantic aspiration.

Look at that flawless execution.

Catalina (baby 8) can’t do her homework because she’s tense but she can autonomously attempt to fix the sink. Which she failed at.

Time for Holland (baby 7) to age up and move on to better things.

After I flagged him of course. I’ve recently downloaded mc commander again.

He received the Noncommittal and Responsible trait.


3 Girls • 4 Boys
4/100 points

Well hello! I see you’re back for more.

Last chapter Dallas (baby 3) and Rio (baby 4) moved out of the house bringing the total points to 4. The family visited a park were Paulina was overwhelmed with fans and the paparazzi, and lastly she went on a date with Orlando Bloom.

Let’s see what the family is doing now.

It took one day before Eden (baby 5) came home with an A.

She received the Jealous and Responsible trait before moving to Sulani with her father.

Hudson (baby 6) was the last to blow out the candles.

He has the Creative, Happy toddler, Bookworm and Dastardly traits. His aspiration is Chief of Mischief.

It wasn’t long before Holland (baby 7) aged up WITH BLONDE HAIR! First baby to not have black or brown hair.

He has the Independent trait.

He’s sad because his father, Geoffrey Landgraab, has passed away.

The house feels empty with only 2 kids.

Paulina was making $10,000+ in royalties but they’ve started to decrease so she’s writing a new book to publish.

Holland is half way through maxing the toddler skills. He only has the Communication and Thinking skill left.

This pregnancy felt extra long and Paulina was more then ready to give birth.


I was literally just thinking about adding the On Ley Line lot trait to spice up this challenge BUT NEVER MIND! Fertility trait coming in for the win.

Paulina is holding Catalina (baby 8), to the left is Cairo (baby 9) and to the right is Israel (baby 10).

We are back tied 5 girls to 5 boys.

Hudson (baby 6) has been a huge help with the triplets. Even if he aged into a YA I’m keeping him around until they are children.

At the rate the kids have been moving out I can afford to keep him around.

Holland (baby 7) is so close to reaching level 3 of the Thinking skill. It’s his remaining skill.

The fridge is always breaking.

It was time for Holland (baby 7) to age up.

He received the Hot headed and Happy toddler trait with Artistic prodigy aspiration.

It was Love day and Paulina asked her boyfriend Orlando Bloom on a date.

The joys of being a celebrity.

After the movie they went next door to the arcade for a couple hours.

Then ended the night trying for a baby in a bush. Real classy guys.

Not to long after this the paparazzi and fans surrounded the bush before they exited. Once she reaches the top I may turn it off. It’s getting annoying.

Hudson (baby 6) came home with an A and it was time to age up.

He received the Outgoing and Responsible trait but didn’t move out. Not yet.

Enjoying the nice weather. Holland (baby 7) is the first to use the monkey bars.

The triplets aged up! From left to right here is Israel (baby 10), Cairo (baby 9) and Catalina (baby 8).

Time to start on their skills. Catalina (baby 7) received the Charmer trait.

Cairo (baby 9) received the Charmer trait as well and is working on her communication skill.

Israel (baby 10) received the Fussy trait and he’s not to happy working on the movement skill.